
Chiesa degli Eremitani


Chiesa degli Eremitani. Cosa vedere e come visitare

Looking for a unique medieval church to explore? Look no further than Chiesa degli Eremitani in Padova! This Augustinian church is part of a vast convent complex that now houses the Padova Civic Museums. Although the original medieval building was heavily damaged during Allied bombings in 1944, some remarkable frescoes by Giusto de Menabuoi and cenotaphs have been preserved. Don't miss the chance to complete your knowledge of the Eremitani complex.

Inside, you'll be captivated by the frescoes by Guariento from around 1360 and Mantegna from around 1450. The spacious interior with its long nave is adorned with sarcophagi, urns, and votive statues. And just nearby, you'll find the famous Scrovegni Chapel, home to Giotto's breathtaking frescoes depicting the stories of Joseph and Mary. A true masterpiece and a source of pride for Padova!

Best of all, admission is free, and the church is wheelchair accessible. So, come and immerse yourself in the simplicity and depth of Chiesa degli Eremitani. Let the serene atmosphere transport you to another dimension, away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

Discover the hidden treasures of Chiesa degli Eremitani!

Opening hours and information

Address: Piazza Eremitani, 9, 35129 Padova PD, Italia

Opening hours: lunedì: 07:30–19:00, martedì: 07:30–19:00, mercoledì: 07:30–19:00, giovedì: 07:30–19:00, venerdì: 07:30–19:00, sabato: 09:00–19:00, domenica: 09:00–19:00.

Top attractions in Padua, Province of Padua, Italy

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